Easy Ways to Remove Scratches from Glass

Regardless of the quality or thickness of your glass, scratches can happen. Before you jump to replacing the glass, save yourself the additional expense with a little guidance from glass repair specialists.

Whether it’s a window, staircase railing, shower door, or glass office walls, this blog has the fixes you need to remove scratches from glass. If the scratch is beyond repair, don’t worry, because we have answers for that as well.

Inspect the Damages

The first step in learning how to get scratches out of glass is to assess the damages. This will help you determine if a professional or DIY approach is best. Start by cleaning the glass with a soft cloth and a glass cleaning solution.

If your cloth gets caught on the scratch while you’re wiping it down, the scratch may be too deep to repair on your own. Reach out to Glass Repair Canada for expert glass repair services. If your cloth doesn’t catch on the scratch, continue reading to discover various methods on how to remove scratches from glass.

Remove Scratches from Glass with These Methods

Leaving your scratched glass untreated can lead to bigger problems in the future, such as cracking or shattering. Fortunately, there are many simple options you can consider in order to repair your scratched glass.

Review the following to learn about each glass scratch removal method:

Buffing out scratches requires a sander or buffer with a buffing compound, such as cerium oxide. Apply the compound to a buffing wheel on a drill or an orbital sander with a soft cloth attached. You’ll also need a wet sponge to lightly squeeze water from while polishing the scratched area. The water keeps the compound from drying and causing further damage. Depending on the size of scratch, buffing time will vary. Once complete, wash the glass with dish soap and water and repeat the process if necessary.

In addition to improving dental hygiene, toothpaste is also an effective glass scratch remover. This is one of the simplest ways of repairing glass scratches. All you need is a dab of whitening toothpaste on a soft cloth. Gently rub the cloth and toothpaste over the marks in small circular motions. This method only takes a few minutes, though time can differ based on the size of the scratch. Rinse away the toothpaste with water and repeat the toothpaste application if the scratch remains.

A piece of #0000 steel wool can remove scratches and cracks from glass. It’s important not to use anything courser than #0000 steel wool as it can create scratches rather than repair them. It’s also best to use a new pad because dull steel wool can also leave marks on the glass. Buff the scratches gently and use a wet cloth to wipe the area afterwards. You can also use liquid pumice soap on a cloth to buff scratches out of glass.

Among its many uses, baking soda is an excellent glass scratch repair solution. First, create a paste of one part water and one part baking soda. Then apply the paste to a soft cleaning cloth and apply it to the scratch in circular movements. After a few moments, you can remove the paste with another damp cloth. If the marks still remain, you can repeat the process until you see an improvement. Seeing no improvements is an indication that the scratch is too deep and requires professional repairs.

When to Hire Professional Glass Repair Services

Small and shallow scratches in glass doors, windows, walls, and railings have a good chance of responding to the DIY glass scratch repair methods above. Some of the tools and supplies listed above are common household items and the others can be purchased for under $100.

DIY fixes can save you money and the hassle of scheduling repair services. Large and deep scratches, cracks, or shattered glass need to be looked at by professionals such as those at Glass Repair Canada. Without proper repairs, you can encounter additional problems and expenses down the road.

Contact the Professionals at Glass Repair Canada

Glass scratch repairs are important whether they’re minor or major scratches or cracks. At Glass Repair Canada we can help you find the best solution for your type of glass and the size of the damages. Contact us today to consult with our skilled repair technicians and get the best recommendation for your glass repair.

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